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DCA-1 & DCA-1+ Single Channel Coagulation Analyzers
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DCA-1 & DCA-1+ Single Channel Coagulation Analyzers
Dimensions: 19,2 x 13,1 x 5.6 cm

The DCA-1 & DCA-1+ are ideal for small labs that run some standard clothing tests (PT, aPTT, Fibrinogen).

  • Measuring Technology: Turbodensitometric (DCA-1)/ Turbodensitometric &
    fotometric (DCA-1+)
  • 4 cuvette incubation posotions and 1 reagent position
  • 1 measuring channel with magnetic mixer motor
  • 100-200μl measuring volume
  • The coagulation timing starts and ends automatically with the sample insert. 
  • Calibration curve: Memory of 9 measuring points per assay
  • LCD display

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         195 Panepistimiou str., PC 26443, Patras, Greece
Τ Patras: +30 2610 223999
Τ Athens: +30 210 2751602
     Τ Thessaloniki: +30 2316 019079

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