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Urine Microscopy Analyzer - Urised mini
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  • Up to 60 tests / hour throughput
  • Total measurement cycle is less than 1 minute
  • Cost-effective operation without liquid reagents or calibrators 
  • Highly effective tool in small laboratories, emergency departments or as a back-up system for automated sediment analyzers
  • Connection to Laboratory Middleware or direct connection to LIS
  • Small, simple, easy-to-use

The new UriSed mini is a highly effective tool in a wide range of medical and clinical settings such as hospitals, clinics, accident and emergency departments and outpatient laboratories. UriSed Mini utilizes the traditional gold standard method while eliminating the most time-consuming and operator-dependent procedures in laboratories performing manual microscopy. In addition it can also serve as a backup instrument of automated sediment analyzers.

The operation of this analyzer is based on the patented UriSed Technology, which is actually the automation of traditional manual microscopy. The operator only needs to load a special disposable cuvette and inject native urine sample into it using a manual pipette. Working without any special liquid reagents, UriSed mini performs all the rest automatically.
After centrifuging the sample, it takes 15 whole field of view images of each sample through a built-in microscope, and evaluates them using the Auto Image Evaluation Module (AIEM) which is a high-quality image processing software. The images and results can be viewed and validated in the user software of the UriSed mini.

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         195 Panepistimiou str., PC 26443, Patras, Greece
Τ Patras: +30 2610 223999
Τ Athens: +30 210 2751602
     Τ Thessaloniki: +30 2316 019079

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