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CardioTEST Beta System XL is an professional tool to perform resting and exercise ECG examination. It enables to review, and archivize the ECG examinations as well as generating the full report of the the examination. System consist of Medical Diagnostics Stand type XL, CardioTEST software and it is compatibile with treadmill B612 and ergometer CRG200.
Main features of the CardioTEST software:
- simultaneous registration and observation of ECG signal from all 12 leads on PC screen,
- sensitivity : 2,5; 5; 10; 20; mm/mV,
- speed : 25; 50; 100 mm/s,
- registration and observation of average P-QRS-T complexes from all 12 leads, ST level and slope in "on-line" mode,
- possibility of cooperation with treadmills operating TrackMaster protocol
- possibility of cooperation with ergometers operating Ergoline protocol
- automatic measurement of HR, ST level and slope,
- registration and observation of current HR,
- registration and observation of kind and time duration of the following examinations: resting, exercise and post-exercise,
- PMHR control,
- observation of % PMHR,
- registration and observation of MET,
- registration and observation of RPP,
- registration and observation of DPr,
- monitoring of loading during the exercise examination,
- pre-programmed protocols,
- user-designed protocols,
- manual control of treadmill or ergometer settings during examination,
- RAMP protocol,
- real-time printing of ECG curves,
- automatic regulation of isoelectric line position in the middle of registration channel,
- automatic elimination of isoelectric line migration,
- printing and archiving examination report which contains: patient's data, the full disclosure ECG of the whole recording, selected strips, average P-QRS-T complexes, table summary, load value, HR, ST level and slope, MET,
- digital filtration of mains disturbances,
- digital filtration of muscle origin disturbances,
- resting examination: 12, 6 or 3-channel in manual or automatic mode,
- unlimited number of user-defined profiles.

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