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Three-channel portable cardiograph EDAN SE-300B, modern technology with microprocessor based operation, built-in diagnostics & HRV ECG analysis and analysis and ergonomic touchpad. Adequate medical equipment for private practices, clinics, medical centers, hospitals and health centers!
The cardiograph SE-300B EDAN:
- Record and analyze 12-leads simultaneously, with automatic and manual mode, or recording rate abduction.
- It has memory 500 records, which at any moment can be transferred to H / PC, USB Stick or printed directly.
- Integrated thermal printer wide high resolution 80 mm, with automatic alignment function and alignment of printable characters, and manually adjustable by the user. With a choice of four levels of recording speed (5mm / sec, 10mm / sec, 25mm / sec & 50mm / sec) & COPY button for direct copying of the last recording.
- Barcode scanner for easy insertion of patient information.
- Fully digital filters (filters «shaky» & AC adapter).
- Recognition and protection against defibrillator and pacemaker.
- Customizable visual and acoustic alarms, also warn the user of any errors in the recording (eg electrodes Logout, paper end).
- USB port for printing and 12 leads to an external printer and data transfer to USB Stick. It also has a serial (RS-232) and network (Ethernet) connectivity with H / PC for storage, processing and printing of records.

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